huuh.., ( menghembuskan napas ni ceritany..) Pingin nulis apa lagi y.
Curhat Sajalah...
After Decision I took, there is a lot of Changes. I become fool (sometimes and all the time) , And Jenius Idea comes like river flows. Sometimes Childish and sometimes i got New new experience. I never though before. Growth in adult position, isn't easy at all. It would be easy if we wise to ourselves, and have valuable experiences.
"Experience is the best teacher."
All decision i've taken , been teaching me many things. That was valuable experiences. Very impressive. I got Up and Down. I must try.. and no gave up untill i found what i seek. Yah, So far I am still a Live... hehe.. Thanks Allah. - Never forget -
I'll try to realize My Idea..
Hopefully, That would be Nice Result.....
"What is that??" (just see here....)