Minggu, 28 November 2021

little-tiny model


Tiny model of sort.

sepertinya hendak merubah haluan.

dari Grandiosa target to small / tiny model.

it's relatively easy, to make things come true

in small model than big one.

it's just model.

big is just a matter of resources. right?

little-tiny model is just fine.

scale-up when it's ready.

aq tuh cuma sendirian, tau.

modal ya segini-gini aj.

apa ga mungkin, doing something increadible? 

it's okay. let do something, but in small model aj. 

when it works!, we need team, time, and fund to scale it up.

"Think fundamentally, Act in tiny-model"

Learn from the experience, learn from Great persons ever lived, Believe in God! (Qur'an is the guidance)