Minggu, 22 November 2020

then what next ?


The Next After Goal

bertanya-tanya tentang akhir tujuan,

kita menetapkan goal dan tujuan hidup,

tujuan dari segala hal yg kita usahakan hari-demi-hari.

Apakah pernah mempertanyakan, what next after goal?

(apa penting nya, wong tujuannya belum tercapai ??!)

Ya. hanya sekedar menimbang,

cukup worth-it kah goal kita ?

What next after goal?

*ingin jadi orang terkaya - misalnya, atau

*ingin memiliki mayoritas saham perusahaan ternama -misalnya.

iya, then you got it. And if you were there then what next? and 

you were getting older at that time.

Then what next, is it enough?

menurutq penting untk tau what next after, even still in the cloud 

because itu seperti kontrol diri kita.

Dan tetap melangkah untuk menemukan better way then it was.  

Learn from the experience, learn from Great persons ever lived, Believe in God! (Qur'an is the guidance)