Kamis, 12 November 2009

Ngrumyang nyoookk


When the night comes... and you actually here 'me'.. in a loneliness..
Every second become lone..
No matter what that is actually..
but, The way was choosen and decision have been taken..

True with False are like a piano's tooth..
Everything have been changing.. and 'close' with 'open' are surely hard to know and understand unless a genious people maybe training can do it too...

God, ya udah.. kayakny memang tidak ada yang instan Kecuali ALLAH yang langsung kasi....
Need training.. Fall.. Up again.. and the point is Become better day by day... second by second..
if falling ... that's must be hurt...
You can not stop doing until here... You must raise up , get up until you are on the top of Succeess..

What kind of success ?? Oke otak ku yan sopan.. it's enough... all write what i want...

ini dah tengah malam tauuukkk... egh, lebih tepatnya tengah menjelang subuh Now is 2.48 am..
Nyapo yok an urung turu?? wezz turu.. tapi tangi eneh ... jam 1 -an am. oukehhh deh, Now...

Aku pengen cerita tentang cita-citaku pengen buat Pesawat ma Rocket...

Langkah kongkrit diambil... baru beberapa hari kebelakang yaitu mulai belajar Matematika, Fisika, Kimia lagi... Whatever lah... mudah-mudahan sih.. terwujud... Kita lakukan sadja dulu hyehehehe....

Opo eneh y..., Oiya... Maap buat Allah... Mahklukmu ini ya begini ya Allah.. Mohon Ampunan dan maghfirrahmu aeluas langit dan bumi....

And Thanks for your Kindness Today... before and after this day..

LOOOvveee YYoouuuu.......
Learn from the experience, learn from Great persons ever lived, Believe in God! (Qur'an is the guidance)