Tak perlu title u/ menguasai suatu pengetahuan..
Pengakuan ? Hm, berpikir saja ttg "manfaat" yg dpt diberikan dari pengetahuan yg diperoleh itu.
Life is just once. 'Think efficient. success behind u'
. Chase excellence . - success'll follow
3idiots quotes.
Minggu, 15 Januari 2012
Selasa, 03 Januari 2012
Bismillah. Aal iz well
If my life.. Would make the things goin' better..
I'll sacrifice all the things i've.
No matter
- what it would be.-
Life is just once.
Die & no one will remember who i am.
But God 'll always eternity.
Revolusi 2012 dst.
*Day by day. lebih baik lagi*
Fans of *3idiots'film
I'll sacrifice all the things i've.
No matter
- what it would be.-
Life is just once.
Die & no one will remember who i am.
But God 'll always eternity.
Revolusi 2012 dst.
*Day by day. lebih baik lagi*
Fans of *3idiots'film